Christopher L. Exstrom, Ph.D.

Professor, Inorganic Chemistry

Office: BHS 217   |    Phone: (308) 865-8565   |    Email:

Christopher L. Exstrom


Ph.D., Chemistry (Interdisciplinary:Inorganic/Analytical/Physical), University of Minnesota, 1995
B.A., Chemistry (Magna Cum Laude, department honors), Illinois Wesleyan University, 1990

Areas of Interest
Non-vacuum preparation methods and characterization of semiconductor nanocrystalline materials for solar cell applications; characterization of novel corn-based ash fortified concrete; characterization and aerogel-embedding of femtosecond laser surface processed metal surfaces

Faculty Appointments
2006-Present, Professor, Department of Chemistry
2012-2019, Director, Science/Math Education M.S.Ed. Program
2000-2006, Chair, Department of Chemistry
1996-2000, Assistant Professor
1995-1996, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Kenyon College


  • “A Low-temperature Fabrication Method for WSe2 Films Grown from Nanocrystalline Precursors,” Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Edgar, J.S.*; Curry, C.J.*; Hanrahan, M.P.*; Ma, Q.; Hilfiker, M.; Ediger, A.; Ianno, N.J.  MRS Advances, 2016, 1, 2821-2826.
  • “Non-vacuum Preparation of WSe2 Thin Films via the Selenization of Hydrated Tungsten Oxide Prepared using Chemical Solution Methods,” Exstrom, C.L.; Darveau, S.A.; Falconer, M.E.*; Blum, J.R.*; Colling, W.M.*; Ianno, N.J.  MRS Advances, 2018, 3, 3281-3286.
  • U.S. Patent No. 10,680,125 “Synthesis of Air-stable Pyrite Nanocrystals for Photovoltaic Application,”  Huang, J.; Mao, B.; Exstrom, C.L., June 9, 2020.
  • “Hydration, Strength, and Durability of Cementitious Materials Incorporating Untreated Corn Cob Ash,” Shakouri, M.; Exstrom, Christopher L.; Ramanathan, S.; Suraneni, P.  Construction & Building Materials, 2020, 243, 118171.
  • “Pretreatment of Corn Stover Ash to Improve its Effectiveness as a Supplementary Cementitious Material in Concrete,” Shakouri, M.; Exstrom, Christopher L.; Ramanathan, S.; Suraneni, P.; Vaux, J.S.  Cement & Concrete Composites, 2020, 112, 103658.
  • “Chloride Binding and Desorption Properties of the Concrete Containing Corn Stover Ash,” Shakouri, M.; Exstrom, C.L.; Piccini, G.D.*  Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials, 2021, doi: 10.1080/21650373.2021.1880982.

Recent External Grants/Contracts

  • Institutional PI for “Development of High-Efficiency, Low-Cost Thin Film Solar Cells Based on Naturally Abundant and Non-Toxic Materials,” $29,112, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Nebraska Research Initiative), 2012-2014.
  • Principal Investigator for “Acquisition of a benchtop x-ray diffractometer to enhance materials science research across the physical and earth sciences at bet36365体育,” $64,000, Nebraska Research Initiative Program, 2013-2014.
  • Institutional PI for “Highly Permanent Biomimetic Micro/Nanostructured Surfaces by Femtosecond Laser Surface Processing for Thermal Management Systems,” $90,369, NASA Nebraska Space Grant Program (NASA-EPSCoR), 2014-2018.
  • Co-PI for “Helping Middle School Science Teachers Create Content-based Digital Games on the Structure and Energy of Matter,” $58,617, Nebraska Department of Education Post-Secondary Coordination Commission, 2016-2017.
  • PI for “Development of Next-generation Photovoltaic Solar Cells based on Tungsten Selenide,” $175,000, University of Nebraska Foundation, 2016-2018 (currently in no-cost extension period).
  • Co-PI for “Developing an Alternative Ementitious Material from Raw Corn Stover and Bioethanol Production Plants’ Waste Products,” $19, 223 (bet36365体育 portion), NU Collaborative Initiative Grant (Team Forming Seed Grant), 2021-2023.

Curriculum Vitae

Chris Exstrom, Curriculum Vitae